Download Digital Policies
Digital Policy Check
Company digital
The digital signature is the electronic equivalent of the handwritten signature and has the same legal value. The key element of the digital signature is represented by the digital certificate of subscription that a Certification Body accredited by the CNIPA , issues to the holder of a signature device. The digitally signed policy allows the recipient to immediately verify the validity of the certificate and to obtain information on the signer of the electronic document. Our policies fully comply with Italian legislation on digital signature.
Guarantee policy
The guaranty policy delivered to you by the Contractor or by the Agent, with scanned signature, is a paper document that reproduces, in a copy conforming to the original, the warranty issued by us informally with a qualified digital signature in compliance with the technical rules for training, transmission, preservation, duplication, reproduction and validation, even temporal, of IT documents as indicated in the Prime Ministerial Decree of January 13, 2004 and subsequent Legislative Decree No. 82 of March 7, 2005 (updated by Legislative Decree n. ° 159 of 04 April 2006, by Legislative Decree No. 235/2010 and subsequent amendments) called DIGITAL ADMINISTRATION CODE At the end of the law the document signed with strong digital signature has the following characteristics: • Authenticity: with a digitally signed document you can be sure of the identity of the subscriber • Integrity: security that the IT document has not been changed after its subscription • Non-repudiation: the computerized document signed with digital signature, has full legal validity and can not be rejected by the subscriber
Verification of the online document
To verify the signature, on the policy document in electrocomponent format .p7m, please Click here